Monday 30 December 2013

Anti-cellulite diet and nutritional supplements

Find out how these natural laxatives and diuretics, such as prunes and wheat germ, and artichokes and pineapple can help to get rid of cellulite. We bring you recommendations for anti-cellulite diet and an overview of dietary supplements that accelerate the reduction of cellulite

Cellulite is a very common occurrence in a woman's body, and is characterized by the appearance of orange peel on the affected areas, usually on the abdomen, buttocks, hips, thighs and knees. The medical profession this condition is defined as a localized metabolic disorder of the subcutaneous tissue, which causes a change in body shape and appearance of skin irregularities such as depressions and protrusions.
More specifically, cellulite is the fatty tissue that is lost due to degenerative processes and their function in the connective tissue that surrounds it comes to the accumulation of waste materials, hardening, and create forms that are visually manifested as orange peel.for more information about cellulite program

History of cellulite
The term'' cellulite'' was first used 150 years ago in the French literature and the works of art cellulite is present since the 17th century. Alquier and Paviot the 1920s. First described as an anti-inflammatory cellulite, complex, cellular tissue dystrophy, where due to the disorder of metabolism the water comes to saturation adjacent tissues as a result of various stimuli.

Although the incidence of cellulite very high, considering that affects more than 80 percent of women after puberty, progress in understanding its pathophysiology is very low the past few decades, which greatly complicates the treatment of cellulite and its prevention.

Expert opinions on the causes of the appearance of cellulite vary. Some think that the appearance of cellulite crucial genetic predisposition , while others believe that they have a greater impact lifestyle, where its origin is suitable diet with high fat, lack of physical activity, poor circulation , accumulation of toxins in the body, or most often, a combination of the above.go to my webpage for more details

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